September 27, 2024

Re:Create Welcomes Library Futures as its Newest Member

We are thrilled to share this press release from Re:Create!

Today, Re:Create announced that Library Futures, a nonprofit committed to advancing libraries’ mission to provide broad public access to digital information based at NYU Law’s Engelberg Center on Innovation Law & Policy, has joined as a new member.

“Libraries play a central role in providing access to knowledge and fair use is essential for libraries to fulfill their mission,” said Brandon Butler, executive director for Re:Create. “Library Futures is a leading advocate in preserving fair use and the public’s access to information in an increasingly digital age, and Re:Create is excited to add such an important, timely viewpoint to our diverse and growing coalition.”

“Today, libraries are charged with adapting to emerging technologies and navigating the complexities of the digital landscape, all while needing to provide essential resources patrons rely on,” said Jennie Rose Halperin, Director of the project. “It is clear: fair use is foundational to the future of libraries. That is why we’re excited to join Re:Create and lend our voice to a growing chorus of organizations supporting the cornerstone of balanced copyright: fair use.”

Current ebook licensing practices make it more difficult for libraries to fulfill their mission. Instead of buying books and lending them to patrons – like libraries do with print editions – libraries are forced to license ebooks from vendors, who can set high prices, stringent terms, lock patrons into app delivery systems, or even refuse licensing. Library Futures advocates for library choice and digital rights in the digital market, and balanced copyright is a key component to ensuring libraries can continue to support open access to knowledge.

About Library Futures
Library Futures is a nonprofit organization uncovering and confronting the fundamental policy issues that threaten libraries in the digital age. We believe librarians, policymakers, and community leaders deserve a new approach to digital rights so they can protect, advocate for, and advance a fair digital future for libraries and the communities they serve. Library Futures meets this need with research, visionary policy and advocacy initiatives, and education programs.

About Re:Create
Re:Create is a diverse coalition of creators, advocates, thinkers, users, and consumers advocating for balanced copyright, creativity and innovation. The following groups are also members: American Association of Law Libraries, American Library Association, Association of Research Libraries, Center for Democracy & Technology, Computer and Communications Industry Association, Consumer Technology Association, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Engine, Fandom Forward, Innovation Defense Foundation, Medical Library Association, Niskanen Center, Open Technology Institute, Organization for Transformative Works, Public Knowledge, R Street Institute and SPARC.

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