A middle-aged white woman looking just slightly over her glasses and wearing a knit scarf.

Laura Crossett

Communications Manager
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Laura Crossett is a librarian. writer, and long-time activist. She spent fifteen years working in public libraries in suburban Chicago, rural Wyoming, and small town Iowa. Her entry on the intersection of free speech, access, and communications technology during a sit-in won "Best Overall" in the EFF Blog-a-thon in 2005, and her dedication to libraries and equitable access to information had been continued ever since.

Laura holds an MFA from the Nonfiction Writing Program at the University of Iowa and an MLIS from Dominican University and studied IT at Kirkwood Community College. Her writing has appeared in The Iowa Review, The Rumpus, the New York Times online, and a variety of other publications. Laura lives in her hometown of Iowa City, IA, with her family, a dog, and too many cats.